Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Manifesto of Encouragement
Right now: There are Tibetan Buddhist monks in a temple in the Himalayas endlessly reciting mantras for the cessation of your suffering and for the flourishing of your happiness. Someone you haven’t met yet is already dreaming of adoring you. Someone is writing a book that you will read in the next two years that will change…
The Bright Privilege
Your aspirationsare not a race, an exam, or a series of skill testing questionsthat permit you to proceed. Your every breathfuels your expansion intomore sacred desires.Eternal permission. Carry your dream like that dream wants to be carried.Like a precious golden egg, an incredible torch, or the very cure itself. Whisper to it. Strap it to…
This Is How You Change the World
You wake up one morning with your hands folded behind your heavy head. You stare blankly at the ceiling and then begin to plan your day. You’re wrapped in the same comforter, sporting the same tattered t-shirt, and your knee, the left one, still nags you until about noon. At first, this day feels like…
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