Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • If I Could, I’d Tell You The Secrets to Living. Starting With This.

    If I Could, I’d Tell You The Secrets to Living. Starting With This.

    If I could, I’d tell you the secrets that would light your heart forever. I would say them soft and slow to get you to lean in and listen closely. If I could tell you exactly how to make the most out of your life, I’d ask how you’d be living today if you knew that…

  • You Always Fit Perfectly in You

    You Always Fit Perfectly in You

    Don’t sit down and block the road of life — whenever life enters a period of dynamic growth, there will always be a complete lack of familiar patterns. With this lack of familiarity comes tremendous discomfort . . . you feel like you don’t fit in. To fit back into the older and more comfortable and familiar…

  • Extremely Unrandom Acts of Kindness

    Extremely Unrandom Acts of Kindness

    Think for a moment, of a time in your life, when you felt pretty low, Maybe you were breaking up with someone. Maybe someone you love was sick. Or maybe you lost someone or something that meant a lot to you. What did it feel like when someone offered you kindness. What did that do…

  • Trusting That There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Trusting That There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Sometimes the most profound messages come in the simplest packages. My daughter brings home piles of paper every day, and I discovered this in the middle of one of those piles: Finding this reminded me that light is everywhere. It’s there waiting to be found (or find you) in the most unexpected places. Admiring her…

  • I Just Wanted to See the World

    I Just Wanted to See the World

    I’ve felt so small in the context of all of the world’s chaos lately. It’s been suffocating and crushing and exhausting. It’s caused me to doubt the value in everything I do for weeks. I’ve talked to friends about it, written extensively about it, and tried so hard to shake it off. The dream I…

  • Work Life and Contentment – a Letter to My Son

    Work Life and Contentment – a Letter to My Son

    My Beloved Son, You will more than likely read this letter, the teenager that you are, appreciating and agreeing with the sentiment, but ignoring or putting aside most of it; just as I did with nearly every life lesson that my father passed on to me. Well, I’m listening now, Dad. When I think of my…

  • How Your Dreams Reveal The Secrets In Your Mind

    How Your Dreams Reveal The Secrets In Your Mind

    Throughout history, dreams have played a major role in cultural, spiritual, philosophical, and creative thought. In modern times, the scientific and psychological view of dreams, and their connection to the subconscious, has brought many fascinating insights to the topic. The realm of dreams holds the most universally held feelings and experiences of being human. Excitement,…

  • This Too Shall Pass

    This Too Shall Pass

    King Solomon had many servants but one servant, the captain of the Palace Guard, was his favorite and he was teased by the other servants. So the King decided that he would humble his  favorite and the others wouldn’t tease him. So the king summoned his favorite along with the others and gave all of…

  • Are You Ready to Play on a New Stage?

    Are You Ready to Play on a New Stage?

    Do you feel like your insides are being squeezed? As if the way that you now show up in the world is too small for what you really have within you to express? Maybe it’s time to create a new stage for yourself! I experience this in my own life when I am on the other…

  • Make Moments Matter

    Make Moments Matter

    Have you ever looked around at your family and friends and wondered how many days you will get to share with them? I do this often — not in a negative way, but in an awe-filled way. Why do I do this? I find it a really beautiful and simple spiritual practice. Everything in our life comes…

Got any book recommendations?