Are You Ready to Play on a New Stage?

Do you feel like your insides are being squeezed? As if the way that you now show up in the world is too small for what you really have within you to express? Maybe it’s time to create a new stage for yourself!

I experience this in my own life when I am on the other side of a challenging time that has brought new insight. So there is something new to teach, or a different audience I’m ready to engage. I know that if I don’t allow this new expression, that whatever is becoming inside of me will have no opportunity to be.

New doors stand ready to be opened.

Because you cannot keep opening the same door.

Expand Your Creative Expression

It’s important to know when your creative expression is ready for a different canvas.

You may feel it as an inner urge to try something new. Recognize that this is your inner call.

And it is meant to be answered.

Is there a new aspect of yourself you want to explore? Perhaps you are drawn to get involved in the political arena, or in the arts. Or to change your career, or to live in another country. (Yes, that’s why I lived in Bordeaux, France for the last three months of 2018.)

Are you ready to expand your venue to a different or unfamiliar audience? Is your voice ready to be heard in unusual ways, perhaps in a fresh place?

Notice if you feel a greater call to be out in the world. There are moments that arise when your expression and energy are needed by those you have not yet met.

Resistance is Natural

Of course, it is natural to feel some inner hold-back to doing something new. After all, you are venturing into unfamiliar territory!

Yet if you rely on your past experience to define who you are, you’ll never discover what is possible. You will keep feeling the inner-squeeze.

Move Forward Anyway

Allow yourself to explore and experiment. Watch what draws your attention. Ask yourself if there is something you need to do in this new arena. Your willingness to expand your comfort zone opens the door to more what is possible for you.

Then your potential becomes your lived reality.

Expectations Be Damned!

Let go of any expectations about how you will perform, or how you will be received. Instead, look at how you feel and how your body responds as you put yourself out in this new way. Continue to update your picture of yourself.

As the adventurer, you build new experiences. You open doors to new opportunities, expanding your vision.

Aren’t you ready to act on a new stage in life?






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